African Business

Archivado desde January 1982
484 números
Archivo Completo Mensuel
African Business is the premier business magazine focusing on Africa. With over 140,000 readers across the continent and around the world, it is the ideal vehicle for reaching African consumers, governments and business people.

The readers of African Business are well educated decision-makers, with a high standard of living and disposable income, who have the ultimate authority to influence business strategies in their companies. Most major companies and international firms working with or in Africa subscribe to African Business. It is required reading for any business operating in Africa or wanting to venture into the Continent. 

Último número
In the November issue of African Business, out now, we look at how  US and Chinese social media giants are capturing a generation of young Africans. Huge economic opportunities are likely to be unleashed, but critics claim it will open a Pandora’s Box of disinformation, privacy erosion and user manipulation.

Sujetos: Africa, Business, Business And Professional, Economics, Finance, Government

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  • Primer Número: January 1982
  • Último número: November 2024
  • Cantidad de números: 484
  • Publicado: Mensuel
  • ISSN: 2059-3848