Archivado desde Issue 53 Summer/Autumn 2020
10 números
Archivo Moderno Semestralmente
Arena Homme+ is the world's leading men's fashion magazine. It recently celebrated 25 years of publishing and magazine innovation with the publication of a coffee table monograph highlighting its 'family' centred around Wolfgang Tillmans, David Sims, Juergen Teller, Alasdair McLellan and a core group of other bluechip creatives. Arena Homme+ is the only fashion magazine in existence that sees these names both rubbing shoulders and contributing projects of the very highest level every issue. The list of celebrity covers, fashion designer interviews and great writers that grace Arena Homme+ goes on and on and on... All Killer, No Filler! Owned and edited/directed by Ashley Heath.

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Sujetos: Applied Art, Fashion And Textiles, Culture, Fashion, Lifestyle

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  • Primer Número: Issue 53 Summer/Autumn 2020
  • Último número: Issue 62, Winter/Spring 2025
  • Cantidad de números: 10
  • Publicado: Semestralmente