BBC Science Focus Magazine
Sujetos: Education, Science And Technology, Technology
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- Primer Número: September 2010
- Último número: New Year 2025
- Cantidad de números: 192
- Publicado: Mensuel
- ISSN: 2514-3328
BBC Focus has been charting the changing world of science and technology for nearly 25 years. Originally published by G&J as World in Focus, it became BBC Focus in 2005. The BBC branding bestowed the magazine with an important stamp of quality and, as a result, its circulation saw a period of rapid growth, firmly establishing the magazine as market leader.
In this digital age, the significance of the BBC brand remains important as useful shorthand for high standards and accuracy of reporting. Our close relationship with the BBC, also provides a rich seam of content; features that compliment the BBC’s science output and entertaining and informative articles written by the corporation’s science presenters.
BBC Focus is committed to covering a broad range of science topics within every issue and to surprising our readers. Our editorial mix spans whatever’s interesting that month be it space, the natural world, robotics or big data and we cover it a way that makes it accessible and relevant and with a clear confident layout that makes it easy to digest. Recent features that demonstrate this are our coverage of the mission to Pluto, a piece about cloning dinosaurs around the latest Jurassic Park film and a surprising look at how Hiroshima recovered from the nuclear bomb. We supplement this with an unexpected area of research that stimulates the mental juices and sets you thinking in unexpected directions. Our feature on how microbes affect your mood is a particularly successful example of this.
BBC Focus would be of interest to any science discipline but we also draw readers from a range of analytical professions, such as accountants and lawyers, and in non-related fields (especially History) who read the magazine for general interest and to broaden their knowledge.