British Railway Modelling

Archivado desde January 2007
234 números
Archivo Completo
BRM (British Railway Modelling) prides itself on showcasing the UK’s best model railways, providing easy-to-follow modelling advice from its team of experts and revealing the latest product news and in-depth reviews from the hobby’s leading manufacturers such as Hornby, Bachmann, Heljan, Dapol and more. The magazine is published every 4 weeks and is a must for railway modelling enthusiasts.

Último número
What’s Inside BRM January…
* Millway Dock (OO)
* Bred Albin (OO)
* Withins (0-16.5)
* Build an idyllic wishing well
* Opening doors at Hornby
* How to model a petrol station 
* Building NG7 coaches
* Exploring ideas for modelling Dunster station
* Tony Wright’s 2024 loco projects
* Traction magazine: Exploring the history of the Class 02s, Scotland or bust: an eventful day trip, and more...
* Reviews of the new Accurascale Mk.1 suburban coaches, Rapido NER H/LNER Y7 0-4-4T, Bachmann Ffestiniog Railway ‘Tin Car’, plus many more
* Celebrating 40 years of The Highland Chieftain
* A round-up of the latest headlines from the model railway world, PLUS the Bachmann Winter 2024 announcements
Enjoy the issue!

Sujetos: Hobby, Modelling, Railways

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  • Primer Número: January 2007
  • Último número: January 2025
  • Cantidad de números: 234
  • Publicado: No fijado