European Photography
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Number 103
13 números
Archivo Moderno
European Photography is an independent art magazine for international contemporary photography, new media and artificial intelligence. Founded in 1980 by German artist Andreas Müller-Pohle, it is considered one of the most influential and pioneering publications in the field, reflecting and shaping the major shifts in contemporary photography – from the renaissance of independent photography in the 1980s, through the digital revolution of the 1990s, to the current upheavals in artificial intelligence – in both theory and practice. Exquisitely designed and printed, European Photography is published twice a year in English and German, with a premium readership of creative professionals and institutions worldwide. As photo art historian, critic, and publisher Jens Friis puts it, “The art magazine that has set a standard in publishing”.
Sujetos: Art And Design, Culture, Photography
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- Primer Número: Number 103
- Último número: Number 116
- Cantidad de números: 13
- Publicado: Semestralmente
- ISSN: ISSN 2944-022X