Sujetos: Applied Art, Fashion And Textiles, Art, Culture, Textiles
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- Primer Número: Vol 1 No 1
- Último número: Issue 222
- Cantidad de números: 224
- Publicado: Trimestral
- ISSN: 2059-5336
HALI was launched in 1978 as a response to the new emerging interest in antique carpets and new discoveries in textile research. The beautifully produced publication soon became a benchmark against which all art and antique magazines have been measured.
HALI made an international name for itself through charting unknown territories in the world of antique textiles, defining rugs types and revealing new research into ancient works of art.
Through HALI magazine readers have been able to delve into a wealth of private and public archives, taking a tour of the world’s greatest hidden riches with leading experts in subjects that extend beyond rugs, textiles and Islamic arts.
HALI covers the textile arts of all cultures and periods in an eclectic mixture of articles, which range from sumptuously illustrated original scholarly features to lively, provocative reviews of exhibitions and books. These are balanced by the up to date news-oriented market sections, which include reports of dealers’ shows worldwide and the essential HALI diary.
Within HALI’s unique and extensively researched Auction Price Guide and Auction Review sections readers are offered the only searchable index of antique rug, textile and tapestry auction results from international auction houses since 1978 accompanied by price analysis, commentary and comparison.
Other regular sections include Traveller’ Tales, which takes the reader on an ever-changing textiles tour around the wide world; Anatomy of an Object examines the structure and design of a specific piece, offering in-depth knowledge of a rug or textile type; Thread of Time finds the links between seemingly unrelated textiles offering great insights into a multitude of other cultures and histories; The HALI Interview provides personal insights from leading curators and collectors.
HALI is a rich resource for any individual who takes interest in the world of textiles, antiques and ancient arts. The contemporary world of design owes much to the patterns and forms of the ancient artefacts that feature on HALI’s pages, making it an inspiring publication for a wide audiences.