Archivado desde
December 2023/January 2024
7 números
Archivo Moderno
Homespun is for those who want to create and craft for the people and places they love. Our pages are filled with a vast array of projects by passionate artisans and designers from around Australia and the world. Creatively combining themes, styles and techniques we bring you stunning patchwork, applique, embroidery, crochet, knitting, and toy making inspiration every month. Each issue features tried and tested easy-to-follow instructions and patterns sheets to help you make quilts, bags, softies, dolls, cushions, wall hangings, and everything in-between.
Último número
Homespun is for those who want to create and craft for the people and places they love. Our pages are filled with a vast array of projects by passionate artisans and designers from around Australia and the world. Creatively combining themes, styles and techniques we bring you stunning patchwork, applique, embroidery, crochet, knitting, and toy making inspiration every month. Each issue features tried and tested easy-to-follow instructions and patterns sheets to help you make quilts, bags, softies, dolls, cushions, wall hangings, and everything in-between.
Sujetos: Art And Design, Crafts
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- Primer Número: December 2023/January 2024
- Último número: December/January 2025
- Cantidad de números: 7
- Publicado: Bimestralmente