I by IMD

Archivado desde March 2021
15 números
Archivo Completo Trimestral
I by IMD quarterly magazine offers first-person business and leadership intelligence from the brightest thinkers in academia, industry, the third sector, and society. Written by experts for experts, I by IMD curates the latest insight and practice-based research to help leaders and organizations unlock the complex challenges and opportunities that define these turbulent times.
I by IMD focuses on the core corporate disciplines of leadership, human resources, organizational behavior, strategy, innovation, technology, sustainability, entrepreneurship, social impact, and equity, inclusion, and diversity, with a deep and broad dive into a specific theme each quarter. In addition to the quarterly magazine, I by IMD shares daily content via a dedicated digital platform.

Último número
How can leaders unlock their true potential, and bring out the best in others? 
In Issue 15 of I by IMD, our diverse cast of experts offers ways to unlock potential in turbulent times.

Sujetos: Business And Professional

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  • Primer Número: March 2021
  • Último número: September - November 2024
  • Cantidad de números: 15
  • Publicado: Trimestral