Mekong Review
Archivado desde
November 2015
37 números
Archivo Completo
Mekong Review is a quarterly English-language magazine of arts, literature, culture, politics, the environment and society in Asia, written by people from the region or those who know it well. From its founding in 2015, its aim has been to provide a fresh perspective: one that covers Asian histories, lives and cultures through emerging regional voices. Its approach is close to that of publications like the New York Review of Books and the London Review of Books — that is, basing its writing around new publications of interest — but its view is distinctly Asian. Mekong Review’s writers live all over Asia and elsewhere; they provide a closer view of the region than those writing from London or New York.
Sujetos: Arts, Asia, Culture, Literature, News And Politics, Society
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- Primer Número: November 2015
- Último número: November 2024 – January 2025
- Cantidad de números: 37
- Publicado: No fijado