Oxford American

Archivado desde Spring 1992
123 números
Archivo Completo Trimestral
The Oxford American stands as a testament to the unfading power of words, and visuals, capturing the essence of the American South in all its complexity and vitality.

Whether you are a lifelong Southerner, a newcomer, or simply curious about the region’s profound influence on American culture, the Oxford American is your gateway to exploring the South’s past, present, and future. 

A digital subscription gives you access to the complete online archive, from our latest edition through issue number one, published in the spring of 1992. Click here to read the free trial issue.

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Sujetos: Literature

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  • Primer Número: Spring 1992
  • Último número: 26th Annual Southern Music Issue, Winter 2024
  • Cantidad de números: 123
  • Publicado: Trimestral
  • ISSN: 3064-7797