Polkadot Wounds

Polkadot Wounds is a delight, wrestling with life in our restless times. Capildeo entices us to enter conversations with others (dead and living), amongst glimpsing reflections of encounters. Landscapes become 'landskips', playing on traditions of travel and nature writing, childlike spontaneity and movement across gaps. Dante's Divine Comedy frames untimely deaths and breakthroughs of joy, during the pandemic and in queer and far-flung communities. The title of the book is inspired by the stones of the ruined Norman castle in Launceston, Cornwall, and the local martyr, St Cuthbert Mayne, where Capildeo was writer-in-residence with the Charles Causley Trust.

Sujetos: Poems, Poetry

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Este título está disponible en las colecciones siguientes: Carcanet Collection  

  • Primer Número: Polkadot Wounds
  • Último número: Polkadot Wounds
  • Cantidad de números: 1
  • Publicado: No está fijada