Reform Magazine
Archivado desde
February 2014
Archivo Moderno
109 números
Reform is a fresh and challenging magazine exploring theology, ethics, personal spirituality and Christian perspectives on social and current affairs.
The magazine is for thinking people who enjoy reading about Christian ideas from a range of viewpoints. It features writing from journalists, academics, politicians, campaigners, scientists and religious leaders.
As well as high-profile interviews, in-depth features and book, music and film reviews, Reform carries letters and a regular light-hearted column.
The magazine is published 10 times a year by the United Reformed Church but has readers from all Christian denominations, as well as readers from other faiths and from no faith tradition.
Último número
- Methodists and URC: Over the garden fence
- Can protest be wrong?
- Skills for People: A 30-year-old success story
- Kirk in peril
- Kathy Galloway
Sujetos: Philosophy, Religion, Religion And Philosophy
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- Primer Número: February 2014
- Último número: November 2024
- Cantidad de números: 109
- Publicado: Mensuel
- ISSN: 2515-2696