The Baffler

Archivado desde No. 1 - The Debut Issue
76 números
Archivo Completo
The Baffler is America’s leading voice of interesting and unexpected left-wing political criticism, cultural analysis, short stories, poems, and art. Through its five annual print issues (and daily online content) it skewers every facet of our debauched social order.

Founded in 1988 by Thomas Frank as “the journal that blunts the cutting edge,” the magazine is currently edited by Matthew Shen Goodman and headquartered in New York City. It spotlights both new and established writers, and our regular contributors include Barbara Ehrenreich, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, George Scialabba, Rafia Zakaria, and Kim Kelly, among others.

Regular targets include Silicon Valley snake-oil, the deadening weight of consumer capitalism, our faithless media, the authoritarian overlords of our decaying body politic, and their undead neoliberal consensus. 

Read The Baffler for essential dispatches from the front lines of the dystopia we all call home.
Último número
Expatriate, despite its urbane connotations, simply means someone living abroad. From digital nomads and sex tourists to spies and guest workers, The Baffler’s issue 77, “Expatriates,” considers the American itch to escape and the Gringo Worldwide.

Sujetos: Art And Design, Art, Literature, News And Politics

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  • Primer Número: No. 1 - The Debut Issue
  • Último número: No. 77 - Expatriates
  • Cantidad de números: 76
  • Publicado: No fijado
  • ISSN: 2164-926X