The Biologist

Archivado desde March 2012 Archivo Moderno Trimestral
68 números
The Biologist: the award-winning update on all things bioscience, published four times a year by the Royal Society of Biology (RSB).

The Biologist has been covering the extraordinary and diverse world of the biological sciences since 1953. Featuring interviews with high-profile scientists, news and views on cutting-edge biology, and contributions from the RSB’s network of 17,000 professional and student bioscientists, The Biologist is packed full of features for professionals and non-professionals alike. Alongside striking images from biology research and the natural world, each issue also includes updates from the RSB science policy team and a guide to the best biological museum exhibits around the world.

Recent issues have explored topics as varied as Arctic ecology, DIY gene therapy, organoids, regenerative medicine, plant science, specimen drawing and bio-inspired art. Interviewees have included evolutionary biologist and author Professor Richard Dawkins, Noel Fitzpatrick, aka ‘The Supervet’, and TV paleopathologist Professor Alice Roberts.

Digital subscribers will gain access to four issues a year and nearly 40 back issues dating back to 2012, when The Biologist moved from a journal to its current magazine format.

The print magazine is free for members of the Royal Society of Biology, which offers a range of membership types, more details of which can be found here.

Último número
The Autumn issue of The Biologist looks at how plants and animals in fire-prone ecosystems adapt to regular burning. Can they help us support other ecosystems as climate-related fires become more intense and frequent? Also in this issue: our ideas for how the new Government can make the UK a science superpower; the new set of tools known as 'phenomics'; and how maggots can clean and even heal chronic wounds. 

Sujetos: Biology, Bioscience, Ecology, Science And Technology

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  • Primer Número: March 2012
  • Último número: Autumn 2024
  • Cantidad de números: 68
  • Publicado: Trimestral
  • ISSN: 2516-5151