The Jewish Quarterly

Archivado desde Vol 1, No. 1 Spring 1953
242 números
Archivo Completo Trimestral
The Jewish Quarterly has cultivated literary journalism of the highest standard for almost 70 years. It is an independent publication that explores Jewish issues, and issues of humanity from a Jewish perspective.

The Jewish Quarterly is published four times a year – in February, May, August and November. Each issue features a major political or cultural theme, investigated in long-form essays by prominent voices from around the world. JQ’s mission is not to advocate, but to investigate complex and pressing matters of politics, religion, history and culture, and to do so in depth.

Founded in 1953 by Jacob Sonntag, JQ’s new editor is Jonathan Pearlman. The Jewish Quarterly is published out of Australia and is distributed and accessible worldwide.

Sujetos: Culture, Philosophy, Religion, Religion And Philosophy

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  • Primer Número: Vol 1, No. 1 Spring 1953
  • Último número: The Rudashevski Diary
  • Cantidad de números: 242
  • Publicado: Trimestral
  • ISSN: 2326-2516