The Numismatist

Archivado desde September/October 1888
1,601 números
Archivo Completo Mensuel
The Numismatist is a colorful, high-quality, educational magazine for collectors of coins, tokens, medals and paper money. Published since 1888 by the nonprofit American Numismatic Association (, The Numismatist features 112-120 pages of informative, illustrated articles about the historical and entertaining aspects of numismatics; reports of hobby events and new coinage issues, including the U.S. Mint’s America the Beautiful Quarter Program and Presidential Dollar series and advertising by nationally respected coin dealers.

Último número
The Numismatist, January 2025 issue features: Silver Center Cents; Four “New” Ancient Mints; The Mysterious Silphium Plant; and more!

Sujetos: Coin, History, Hobby, Money

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  • Primer Número: September/October 1888
  • Último número: January 2025
  • Cantidad de números: 1,601
  • Publicado: Mensuel
  • ISSN: 2637-5516