The Pastoral Review

Archivado desde May/June 2013 Archivo Moderno Bimestralmente
59 números
The Pastoral Review is directed to those engaged in pastoral ministry, both ordained and lay. By supporting your parish ministry it is a resource for the whole parish. It is also worth making clear that the cost of a subscription will qualify as a genuine parish expense, or for those of you working in other ministries or are retired, a diocesan expense.

With the Year of Faith currently being celebrated, we would like to offer you a special introductory subscription rate. 

Each edition of the journal is 96 pages long. Here’s what you’ll find in every issue of The Pastoral Review:

• Breaking the Word. Find inspiration for every Sunday during the journal’s two-month span. Complemented by notes on Scripture texts for weekdays providing reflections for daily meditations.

• Contemporary Theology. Leading clergy and theologians explore issues on a range of topics relevant to the Church today. 

• Leadership & Ministry. Learn about topics relevant for all aspects of ministry. 

• Past & Present. A perspective on the past and how it impacts on today’s issues. 

• Book reviews. Discover the books that are shaping our thinking and fuelling debate, reviewed by our team of clergy, course directors, lay people and theologians.

The Pastoral Review is a trusted source of reference, insight and guidance in your vital pastoral work.

Último número
Building relationships of communion – the synodal mission of the people of God John Wilson The Synod of Bishops – Some Anglican observations Martin Warner The second Instrument of Work Ashley Beck

Sujetos: Faith, Philosophy, Religion, Religion And Philosophy

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  • Primer Número: May/June 2013
  • Último número: October/November/December 2024
  • Cantidad de números: 59
  • Publicado: Bimestralmente
  • ISSN: 2515-5954