The Poems of Rowan Williams

In the poems collected in this book, Rowan Williams writes of many things. He visits the Holy Land, commemorates the deaths of parents and close friends, explores elements of ancient Celtic culture; poems are inspired by works of art, landscapes rural and urban, and historical figures from Tolstoy to Simone Weil. What connects poem to poem is the poet’s vividly sensual language, his formal mastery, and how he can address, specifically and particularly, what matters most intensely. ‘Earth is a hard text to read’, writes Welsh poet Waldo Williams in a poem translated here. For Rowan Williams, this very reading is the task of the poet.

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Este título está disponible en las colecciones siguientes: Carcanet Collection  

  • Autor: Rowan Williams
  • Editorial: Carcanet
  • ISBN: 9781847774521