The Progressive

Archivado desde February 2014
77 números
Archivo Moderno Bimestralmente
Since 1909, The Progressive has aimed to amplify voices of dissent and those under-represented in the mainstream, with a goal of championing grassroots progressive politics. The bi-monthly magazine's bedrock values are nonviolence and freedom of speech.

Based in Madison, Wisconsin, the title publishes on national politics, culture, and events including U.S. foreign policy, also focussing on issues of particular importance to the heartland. Two flagship projects of The Progressive include Public Schools Advocate, which covers efforts to resist the privatization of public education, and Progressive Perspectives, aiming to diversify our nation’s op-ed pages, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Sujetos: News And Politics

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  • Primer Número: February 2014
  • Último número: December / January 2025
  • Cantidad de números: 77
  • Publicado: Bimestralmente
  • ISSN: 2162-8785