United We Stand

Archivado desde April 2012 Archivo Moderno Mensuel
136 números
British Fanzine of the Year for 2012, United We Stand was first published in 1989 when Manchester United was a very different club to now. We've since published over 200 issues - 11 per season - and the mag has long been established as one of Britain's best selling football fanzines.

The majority of UWS writers watch Manchester United home and away. They're influential, incisive, irreverent and work for a mag which is proudly independent and funded by sales. Each issue featured 44 pages and tells it like it is at MUFC. We have excellent contacts and offer informed opinions on all United aspects, from insider tit bits to sharp writers and award winning columnists like Jim White.

UWS done in depth interviews with United related personalities from Roy Keane to Ian Brown, Sir Alex Ferguson to officials like David Gill, Martin Edwards and Peter Kenyon, but there's far more to us than interviews. We hope you enjoy 

United We Stand.

Sujetos: Football, Hobby, Manchester, Sport

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  • Primer Número: April 2012
  • Último número: October 2024
  • Cantidad de números: 136
  • Publicado: Mensuel