A Doctor's Dictionary

In this pithy abecedarium, doctor and poet Iain Bamforth takes a close look at the conflict of values embodied in what we call medicine – never entirely a science and no longer quite the art it used to be. Bamforth brings his wide experience of medicine around the world, from the high-tech American Hospital of Paris to the community health centres of Papua, together with his engaging interest in the stranger manifestations of medical matters in relation to art, literature and culture – such as the mysterious ‘Stendhal’s syndrome’, which caused 106 tourists in Florence to be hospitalised due to an overload of sublime Renaissance art.

Sujets: Medicine

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Ce titre est disponible dans les collections suivantes Carcanet Collection  

  • Auteur: Iain Bamforth
  • Editeur: Carcanet
  • ISBN: 9781784100568

 ‘A cabinet of curiosities with a more serious underlying theme of humanity in medicine.’
Times Literary Supplement