Carcanet Collection

The Carcanet Collection is now available for annual subscriptions. Subscribers will have access to over 300 titles from the Carcanet list, including career-defining new work from the poets laureate of Jamaica (Mervyn Morris) and Wales (Gillian Clarke), a debut from rising star Joey Connolly, plus much-anticipated follow-up collections from Sinead Morrissey, Tara Bergin, Caroline Bird and Karen McCarthy Woolf.

Carcanet publishes the most comprehensive and diverse list of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation, as well as a range of inventive fiction, Lives and Letters and literary criticism. Carcanet was founded in 1969 and from the outset adopted an international perspective, alert to Europe past and present, and to the Anglophone world at large. Seamus Heaney praised Carcanet’s ‘admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America’. 

  • L'abonnement que vous êtes en train d'acheter est électronique, nous ne distribuons pas d'édition "papier".
  • Accès via web et les applis iOS et Android.
  • Garantie de remboursement si vous changez d'avis - valable 30 jours