
Archivé depuis September 2015
142 numéros
L’archive moderne Mensuellement
Throughout our CrossStitcher content we bring you step-by-step projects created by a team of highly talented contributors demonstrating a vast array of techniques to bring you a wide range of projects to develop your skills and make every cross stitch creation the best it can be. We also bring you regular interviews with key artisans, all the top news and gossip and new product launches. Not forgetting great techniques, ‘how to’s’, top trends and fantastic competitions for you to expand that stitching stash! 

Sujets: Applied Art, Art, Crafts, Hobby

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  • Premier numéro: September 2015
  • Dernier numéro: March 2025
  • Nombre de numéros: 142
  • Publié: Mensuellement