Current Archaeology
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Issue 1
419 numéros
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Explore the archaeology of all periods – from Prehistory and ancient human origins, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Britain, and the Middle Ages right through to modern times – Current Archaeology covers it all. Lively opinion pieces keep you informed on all the debates currently taking place within archaeology – and why they matter. Discover the best books to read and which museums you should visit with our discerning review section, and never miss an event with our monthly listings page.
Dernier numéro
- Secrets of Snettisham: exploring a unique Iron Age collection
- Encountering the Iceni: expanding our understanding of Venta Icenorum
- Vanished voices? Illuminating the experiences of medieval women
- Hopping through the history of oast houses: from brewing sites to luxurious living spaces
- Under the infirmary: revealing the secrets of medieval Berwick
- Searching for Severus: did a Roman emperor visit Carlisle?
Plus: News, Reviews, Science Notes, Museum News, Conference, Sherds, Odd Socs, and more!
Sujets: Archaeology, History
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- Premier numéro: Issue 1
- Dernier numéro: Issue 419
- Nombre de numéros: 419
- Publié: Mensuellement
- ISSN: 2514-3948