Le Monde diplomatique (English)

Archivé depuis January 2006
228 numéros
L’archive moderne Mensuellement
Le Monde Diplomatique -- just LMD or the Diplo to its many readers -- is a famous voice in world journalism, published in 30 languages. It offers in-depth analysis of current affairs and intelligent firsthand reporting. The monthly English edition is a concise version of the French parent edition. It is distributed in digital form by Exact Editions.

Dernier numéro
      … US, why Trump won; how did Donald Trump make such inroads into so many different demographics? impasse for the EU after October’s elections in Georgia and Moldova? farewell to AMLO, Mexico’s most popular president; Claudia Sheinbaum takes over after decades of activism for ordinary Mexicans; when the wind blows yellow, writer David Grossman and Israel’s left; Jordana Cutler and how Israel acquired unmatched influence over Meta; climate change, why Vietnam’s rice harvest is shrinking; Antarctica, laboratory for studying the world’s climate; how France is cutting funding to its polar research programme; Clia traduced, or the manipulation of history; we all support recycling, but reusing plastics has a high price tag…

Sujets: News, News And Politics

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  • Premier numéro: January 2006
  • Dernier numéro: December 2024
  • Nombre de numéros: 228
  • Publié: Mensuellement
  • ISSN: 2606-3891