Magma Poetry

Archivé depuis 1: March 1994
91 numéros
Archive complète Trois fois par an
Welcome to Magma. Published three times a year, Magma Poetry is a unique kind of poetry magazine. One of our big points of difference is we don’t have a single editor. We value a richer mix of voices, attitudes, ideas and opinions. That’s why we’re led by a group of people not an individual. 

Magma publishes outstanding poems by new, emerging and established writers together with reviews and thought-provoking articles about poetry. Over the years, we have championed writers like Seamus Heaney, Don Paterson, Sean O’Brien, Alice Oswald, Al Alvarez, Wendy Cope, George Szirtes, Gillian Clarke, John Burnside and Mark Doty. We’ve also showcased more experimental poets like Tom Chivers, S. J. Fowler and Keston Sutherland.

The trial issue, themed "The Street", features new poems by Christopher Reid [p. 42], Kathryn Simmonds [p. 9], David Wheatley [p. 31], Christine Webb [p. 7] and many others. You'll also find Simon Barraclough responding to Byron [p. 22] and an article on wit in poetry by South African poet Finuala Dowling [p. 32]. 

Sujets: Poetry

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  • Premier numéro: 1: March 1994
  • Dernier numéro: 90: Grassroots
  • Nombre de numéros: 91
  • Publié: Trois fois par an
  • ISSN: 2514-3611