NZ Model Railway Journal

Archivé depuis Journal Index 1946-1953 Volumes 1-6
429 numéros
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The New Zealand Model Railway Guild provides a link between model railway enthusiasts with a focus on modelling the New Zealand prototype.  

The New Zealand Model Railway Guild Inc is the oldest and perhaps the largest model railway club in the country.  It has always, since its inception in 1947, been a 'club without walls'.  NZMRG membership is spread across all of New Zealand and today across the entire world, with members in unexpected places such as Argentina, Germany and Japan as well as the more usual Australia and the United Kingdom.

The Guild publishes the NZ Model Railway Journal four times a year. The Journal contains articles about modelling New Zealand's railways along with plans and drawings, photographs and historical notes. 

Sujets: Hobby, Leisure, Modelling, Railway

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  • Premier numéro: Journal Index 1946-1953 Volumes 1-6
  • Dernier numéro: September 2024
  • Nombre de numéros: 429
  • Publié: Pas fixé