Positive News Magazine

Archivé depuis Issue 1 (84), 2016 First Quarter
37 numéros
Archive complète Trimestriellement
Positive News is the magazine for good journalism about the good things that are happening.

When much of the media is full of doom and gloom, instead Positive News is the first media organization in the world that is dedicated to quality, independent reporting about what’s going right.

We are pioneers of 'constructive journalism' - a new approach in the media, which is about rigorous and relevant journalism that is focused on progress, possibility, and solutions.

Sujets: Ideas, News, News And Politics, Wellbeing

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  • Premier numéro: Issue 1 (84), 2016 First Quarter
  • Dernier numéro: Issue 120, January - March 2025
  • Nombre de numéros: 37
  • Publié: Trimestriellement
  • ISSN: 2632-8402