The Ink Trade: Selected Journalism 1961-1993
‘The title of journalist is probably very noble, but I lay no real claim to it. I am, I think, a novelist and a musical composer manqué: I make no other pretensions …’ (Anthony Burgess)
Despite his modest claims, Anthony Burgess was an enormously prolific journalist. During his life he published two substantial collections of journalism, Urgent Copy (1968) and Homage to Qwert Yuiop (1986); a posthumous collection of occasional essays, One Man’s Chorus, was published in 1998. These collections are now out of print, and Burgess’s journalism, a key part of his prodigious output, has fallen into neglect.
The Ink Trade is a brilliant new selection of his reviews and articles, some savage, some crucial in establishing new writers, new tastes and trends. Between 1959 and his death in 1993 Burgess contributed to newspapers and periodicals around the world: he was provocative, informative, entertaining, extravagant, and always readable.
Editor Will Carr presents a wealth of unpublished and uncollected material.
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Ce titre est disponible dans les collections suivantes Carcanet Collection
- Auteur: Anthony Burgess
- Rédacteur: Will Carr
- Editeur: Carcanet
- ISBN: 9781784103927