The Times Literary Supplement
Archivé depuis
1 January 2010
755 numéros
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For over a century, the Times Literary Supplement has been the world's leading cultural magazine, with essays and reviews on the most significant books, ideas and art of our times. We are still proud to be publishing the best and brightest writers about the broadest range of books and ideas. And we believe that the audience to read it is larger, and hungrier for information, than at any point in the last 116 years. Every week you’ll find over 40 reviews and essays, from Shakespeare to Schopenhauer, popular theatre to political theory. According to Le Monde, the Times Literary Supplement “has no rivals”. According to Noam Chomsky, it is “provocative, stimulating, irritating, informative”. To anybody interested in the life of the mind, the TLS is indispensable.
Dernier numéro
The evolution of morality; the misremembered Dorothy Parker; a letter from Damascus; a remake of Murnau; Victorian indecision – and much more.
Sujets: Books, Culture, Literature
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- Premier numéro: 1 January 2010
- Dernier numéro: 10 January 2025
- Nombre de numéros: 755
- Publié: Hebdomadairement
- ISSN: 2517-7729