British Archaeology

Archived since February 1995
201 issues
Complete Archive Bi-monthly
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British Archaeology, the UK's most talked about archaeology magazine, will suit anyone with a passion for delving into our past - whether you enjoy watching the latest archaeological TV documentaries, visiting historic buildings or digging on ancient sites!

It is an authoritative, in-depth source of information and comment on what’s new, interesting and important in the world of archaeology.

British Archaeology is a bi-monthly publication from the Council for British Archaeology – an educational charity. The established voice for archaeology in the UK, we're here to help you discover, explore and protect our unique heritage.

Among the articles in the trial issue, Mike Pitts reflects on the challenges facing the modern archaeologist, Jim Leary and David Field investigate traces of neolithic religion around Wiltshire's rivers and Sebastian Payne ponders the importance of the scientific side of archaeology.

Books are regularly reviewed in each issue of the magazine while the humorous 'Spoilheap' column keeps tabs on the curious lives of archaeologists. The 'Briefing' section lists the latest fieldwork excursions, excavations and archaeological conferences to keep readers in touch with the CBA network.

Latest issue
The 200th issue of British Archaeology is edited by CBA's honorary president Raksha Dave. The issue features an in-depth look at the archaeological projects carried out by the National Trust in the past 12 months, and an initiative using augmented reality to help visualise the buildings of medieval Southampton. Elsewhere, the sections bring the latest CBA news, from youth projects to the latest casefiles.

Subjects: Archaeology, History, Hobby

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  • First Issue: February 1995
  • Latest Issue: January/February 2025
  • Issue Count: 201
  • Published: Bi-monthly
  • ISSN: 2514-3409