AnOther Man

Archiviato dal Autumn / Winter 2005
32 numeros
Archivio Completo Semestralmente
Another Man is biannual print publication, which launched in 2005, that prides itself as being the most elegant and elevated expression of luxury men’s fashion, featuring art, photography, literature, and beyond.

Over the years, contributors have included photographers Alasdair McLellan, Tim Walker, Willy Vanderperre, Harley Weir, Ryan McGinley and Nick Knight, and cover stars including Harry Styles, Skepta, Lana Del Rey, Ben Wishaw, Cillian Murphy, 21 Savage and Jake Gyllenhaal

Relanched in April 2024, after merging with AnOther Magazine from 2021-2023, the Another Man team is led by Editor-in-Chief, Ellie Grace Cumming; Art Director, Lina Kutsovskaya; and Editor, Ted Stansfield.

Argomenti: Art And Design, Photography

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  • Primo numero Autumn / Winter 2005
  • Ultimo Numero: Winter/Spring 2025
  • Totale numeri: 32
  • Pubblicato: Semestralmente