Art Monthly
Archiviato dal
October 76 | No 1
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479 numeros
Since 1976 Art Monthly has consistently offered informed and highly readable coverage of the British and international art scene. Noted for the independence and quality of its features, interviews, artist profiles, reviews, news and editorials, Art Monthly remains a major forum for debate on the key issues surrounding modern and contemporary art.
Click the links to view the 441 November 2020, 442 December - January 2020/2021 and 443 February 2021 sample issues.
Argomenti: Art And Design, Art, Contemporary, Culture, Galleries, Reviews
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- Primo numero October 76 | No 1
- Ultimo Numero: September 2024 | No 479
- Totale numeri: 479
- Pubblicato: Mensile
- ISSN: 2059-5255