Introducing Epigenetics: A Graphic Guide

Epigenetics is the most exciting field in biology today, developing our understanding of how and why we inherit certain traits, develop diseases and age, and evolve as a species.

This non-fiction comic book explores what identical twins can teach us about the epigenetic effects of our environment and experiences, why certain genes are ‘switched on’ or off at various stages of embryonic development, and how scientists have reversed the specialization of cells to clone frogs from a single gut cell.

Cath Ennis and Oliver Pugh pull apart the double helix, examining how the epigenetic building blocks and messengers that interpret and edit our genes help to make us, well, us.

Argomenti: Science And Technology

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Questo titolo è disponibile nelle seguenti raccolte: Introducing Graphic Guides  

  • Autore: Cath Ennis & Oliver Pugh
  • Editore: Icon Books
  • ISBN: 9781848318625