Modern Poetry in Translation
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Modern Poetry in Translation (MPT) is a tri-annual poetry magazine that publishes poetry from all over the world in English translation. Founded in 1965 by Ted Hughes and Daniel Weissbort it has consistently published the very best of world poetry in the very best translations, and has introduced a number of famous poets and iconic translations to the English-speaking world.
MPT prints work of unsurpassed range and quality. Over the last decade it has featured over 90 languages, 463 poets and 349 translators. Boyd Tonkin in The Independent wrote that MPT ‘has a rare and precious talent’. The Sunday Times called it a ‘necessity’. There is no other magazine that has the same reach and the same consistent quality of poetry.
The trial issue features six poems by Tsvetanka Elenkova translated by Jonathan Dunne, three poems from Aldeburgh by Taha Muhammad Ali and Gabriela Mistral’s poem The Foreigner translated by Arthur McHugh.
Other features include a review by Jo Balmer of classic French and German translations, Charlie Louth examines the work of Don Paterson, Martyn Crucefix and Rilke and Stephanie Norgate presents two haiku versions of Lucretius.
Ultimo numero
MPT’s November issue ‘Your Language Anticipating Mine’ spotlights Catalan poetry featuring Ronald Puppo’s translations of Tònia Passola and Josep Checa; Lourdes Manyé and Wayne Cox’s translation of Miquel Martí i Pol; Clyde Moneyhun’s translations of Maria Mercè Marçal and Maria Antònia Salvà; Marialena Carr’s translations of Felícia Fuster and Anna Crowe’s translation of Josep Lluís Aguiló. Also, Aidan Rooney translates the extraordinary Jean D’Amérique, JP Allen translates Clementina Suárez, ‘the legendary matriarch of Honduran letters’ and Astrid Alben translates the ‘grotesque and absurdist’ poems of Eric Solvanger. All this and much more in the new issue of the groundbreaking magazine dedicated to poetry in translation.
Argomenti: Culture, Literature, Poetry
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- Primo numero Introductions
- Ultimo Numero: Your Language Anticipating Mine: Focus on Catalan
- Totale numeri: 54
- Pubblicato: tre volte all'anno
- ISSN: 2052-3017