Poetry Wales

Archiviato dal Summer 2012 48.1
41 numeros
Archivio Moderno tre volte all'anno
Founded in 1965, Poetry Wales is a triannual magazine with an international reputation for excellent poems, features and reviews from Wales and beyond. Emerging from a rich bilingual culture, Poetry Wales explores the diverse perspectives of Welsh poetry in English and its international relationships.

Its interest in translation, and in local and national identities in a global context, are at the forefront of some of the most exciting developments in poetry today. The magazine is open to tradition and experiment, publishing poetry from a wide range of approaches. Against this background of dynamic contrast, it offers a lively and informed critical context for the best contemporary poetry.

Ultimo numero
"There’s plenty for us to be in awe of. There’s plenty for us to dream. There’s plenty." – Duriel E. Harris in conversation with Kandace Siobhan Walker and Zakia Carpenter-Hall, Poetry Wales 60.2.

Poetry Wales 60.2 explores all of the mould-breaking forms that poetry can take and inspires readers to experiment for themselves.

Argomenti: Culture, Literature, Poetry

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  • Primo numero Summer 2012 48.1
  • Ultimo Numero: Winter 60.2 2024
  • Totale numeri: 41
  • Pubblicato: tre volte all'anno
  • ISSN: 2059-6723