The Guards Magazine

Archiviato dal The Journal of Household Brigade, 1862
671 numeros
Archivio Completo Semestralmente
The Guards Magazine was first published in 1862 and is the official journal of the Household Division, encompassing The Life Guards, The Blues and Royals, Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards, Irish Guards and Welsh Guards.

The Guards Magazine content is exclusively created by serving or former regimental members of the Household Division and is published three times a year. The full archive is now digitised and available for individual and institutional subscribers.

Argomenti: Business And Professional, Guards, History, Military, Queen, Royalty, Soldier, Wars

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  • Primo numero The Journal of Household Brigade, 1862
  • Ultimo Numero: Autumn 2024
  • Totale numeri: 671
  • Pubblicato: Semestralmente