The Tablet

Archiviato dal 16 May 1840
9,520 numeros
Archivio Completo Settimanale
Unique in its international coverage of religion, current affairs, politics, social issues and the arts, The Tablet is a weekly Catholic journal which has been reporting on events of significance for over 170 years.

Every week The Tablet provides in-depth and balanced coverage on a wide range of subjects and its contribution to topical issues is strengthened by its contributors: each issue contains the work of writers drawn from all over the world, whose names are familiar in their particular field of experience.

Exact Editions is thrilled to announce that the complete archive is now accessible for subscribers, with over 8000 issues now available to view. This extensive archive goes back 170 years and is fully searchable as well as easy to navigate.

The Church in the World section reports on events within the Church internationally, covering Europe, Rome, Asia, the Pacific, Africa and the Americas. The Home News section reports on news within UK churches, both Catholic and other Christian. In addition the latest church documents are analysed and discussed

The Notebook section gives a light-hearted round-up of recent events, often with a humorous tone and the Letters section offers lively and intelligent debate from readers worldwide.

No mention of The Tablet would be complete without reference to the widely respected Books section. Its detailed reviews are comprehensive, across a wide variety of subjects from philosophy to film appreciation and Christian apologetics to crime fiction. And the Arts section includes reviews of galleries and exhibitions, theatre, cinema, television, radio, music and opera.

---IP authenticated site wide access digital subscriptions for schools, libraries and institutions---

For an annual subscription fee starting at $450, digital institutional subscriptions for The Tablet are also available. These provide access to the digital version of the journal and are available to anyone within the institutions site or with remote access to the institutions database. The IP address of the user is checked and is granted access without the need for user login or password as authentication is via the institute’s IP range. This package enable a back issue archive search.

Ultimo numero
Growing up Catholic
The transformation in the way young people encounter Catholicism has lessons for parents, schools and universities / BY GERARD LEMOS

The logic of the Cross
We long to eliminate from our lives all that causes pain. Yet our wounds can be a source of power, healing and joy / BY ERIK VARDEN

Peace through the sharing of memories
What has Holocaust Memorial Day to teach us about reconciliation in the Holy Land? / BY EDWARD KESSLER

The sins of Great Uncle Eric
When a much revered artist was exposed as a sexual predator, his family was left to wrestle with complex questions / BY MELANIE GINGELL

Argomenti: Christianity, Church, Culture, News, News And Politics, Philosophy, Religion, Religion And Philosophy

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  • Primo numero 16 May 1840
  • Ultimo Numero: 25 January 2025
  • Totale numeri: 9,520
  • Pubblicato: Settimanale
  • ISSN: 2059-6855