The Poetry Review
Archived since
Winter 2013
Modern Archive
43 issues
The Poetry Review, published quarterly by The Poetry Society, is home to the world’s best contemporary poetry and writing about poetry. Since first publication in 1912, it has featured new poems, essays and reviews by internationally renowned and emerging poets, both Nobel Prize winners and newcomers. Famous contributors include T.S. Eliot, Allen Ginsberg, Derek Walcott, Philip Larkin, Seamus Heaney, Carol Ann Duffy, Jackie Kay and Alice Oswald.
The trial issue, published Summer 2015, spans old and new trends: ‘Prufrock’ in its hundredth year, the hunt for new ways to ironise the self in Charles Whalley’s essay on post-internet poetry, and St Francis and Flaubert in D.A. Powell’s ‘Letter from San Francisco’. There are new poems by Nick Laird, Graham Mort, Daljit Nagra, Sara Peters, Jennifer L. Knox and the winner of the Geoffrey Dearmer Prize, Zaffar Kunial. The review section includes new collections by Claudia Rankine, Sean O’Brien, Frances Leviston and Michael Hofmann’s selected essays.
Latest issue
The new issue of The Poetry Review (114:2, Summer 2024) features new poetry from Kim Addonizio, Holly Amos, Fiona Benson, Courtney Bush, William Gee, Hasti, Ian Irwin, Rachel Long, Maitreyabandhu, Nick Makoha, Alice Oswald, Carl Phillips, Richard Scott, John Stammers, Romany Stott, George Szirtes, Jack Underwood, Chrissy Williams and Eric Yip among others. This edition also includes a tribute to Saskia Hamilton by Kit Fan and reviews of recent publications by Susannah Dickey, Safia Elhillo, Charlotte Shevchenko Knight, Brenda Shaughnessy, Anne Carson, Seán Hewitt and Mary Jean Chan. A gallery of artworks engaging in words and wordplay is supplied by artist duo Harrison and Wood. This issue also presents Asmaa Jama, the Dearmer prizewinner and a lecture by Korean-American poet, Don Mee Choi, which is the latest in the prestigious Poetry Society Annual Lecture series commissioned with the University of Liverpool.
Subjects: Literature, Poetry
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- First Issue: Winter 2013
- Latest Issue: Summer 2024
- Issue Count: 43
- Published: Quarterly
- ISSN: 2514-4456